this is our first blog post for the new initiative, The Holobiont Project. It is the realisation of an idea which has existed for some time and which has come into being through the combined work and initiative of Nik Karlsson, Teemu Takatalo and Matina Pantelaki. Born out of a combination of art, travels, culture and an interest in different ways of organisation and living, the project aims to take advantage of already existing connections to explore possibilities for cultural cross-pollination. We are not interested in the art industry, but rather in free and ever changing creativity. The project has a Nordic dimension due to the countries of origin of two of the members, but we are more interested in challenging and de-constructing national identities than romanticising them. There is also a Greek dimension since this is where we all met and because we have a great interest in this country, at the other edge of Europe, which challenges many of our own assumptions whilst at the same time inspiring us in new ways. We wish to facilitate and develop an already loosely connected Nordic network and also connect it to the creative fertile environment of Greece, and in particularly, Athens. Therefore we are creating a clear network and developing visits, exchanges, discussions, meetings and events. On this blog we will present our findings, thoughts, projects and ideas. We see this as the very beginning of something which will grow and spread into various initiatives and projects. We are currently having several production and research meetings in Athens, exploring neighbourhoods, writing texts and meeting local artists and cultural workers. Check this blog for further developments and please follow us on Facebook & Twitter. If you wish to contact us, please feel free to fill in our contact form HERE.
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AuthorHolobiont Production Team Archives
August 2019
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